Sunday 3 March 2013

Rio de Janeiro - Carnaval madness.

Ok so imagine a bunch of blaring crackling speakers, a gang of steel drummers, some big stacked cross dressing brazilian men and a bucket of caprinyas, combined with white sandy beaches and sweaty dancing in the street and that will get you something near Carnival in Rio. Ridiculous.

They certainly know how to enjoy themselves and it seems at Carvial everyone is pulling out there peak party performances. The parties mostly take place in different 'blocas' so basiccally different areas such as Ipanema, Copacabana and Lapa, so you just have to find out where the parties are each day. Most of the time its just streets packed with people but if you can find a moving float then even better as you can just dance behind that for hours of endless fun. One minuite you'll be next to a half naked girl, the next a transvestite in a vest and the next a couple having a bit too much fun in the street, a pretty hilarious experience altogether. Lapa was probably the craziest of all places, be wary as a tourist and don't take any valuables (speaking from experience!) but its so much fun there, a real local street party.

If you want to see the real Carnival as in the floats and the competing Samba schools then you have to get a ticket for the Sambadromo, a strip of road with huge stands either side. Most people get ripped off and there are a lot of fake tickets but its well worth a visit. The outfits are spectacular, colour is everywhere and the stands are packed with people drinking and dancing, its from 10pm to 6am though so be prepared to be there for the long haul! You can get cheaper tickets there but its a bit risky, its best to get them online or get down there early for a good seat.

Hostels: There are plenty but BOOK IN ADVANCE! Some charge up to £100 during Carnival so expect to splash out. Alternatively if you can get a group together i would definitely recommend renting an apartment. Six of us rented one for around £25 a night in an awesome location, allowing lots more spending money for the Carnival itself!

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