Friday 22 March 2013

Iguassu Falls - Wow.

Wow just about sums it up. Speechless almost. This is one of the most spectacular things you will ever see, possibly even the most. Situated on the border of Argentina and Brazil Iguassu falls is a sight to behold.

If you have the time I would deffinately reccomend doing both the Argentinian and the Brazilian sides of the falls as they are both give very different perspectives. The Brazilian side gives more of a general overview of the falls allowing you to see more of a panoramic overview of its sheer size and stunning location. Wooden walkways allow you to see the sheer scale of it and you can walk over parts of the waterfall to get great views of some of the sections and the rainbows that seem to circle all around you.
However it was the Argentinian side that really did it for me. This is a much more up close and personal view of Iguassu. The walkways take you right to the edge of the drops and you can truly see its power and the sheer size of some of the drops. A short train ride and a walk takes you up to the ´devils throat´, a 150m wide 82m drop that really sums up why it is considered one of the seven wonders of the world. You feel like your standing above the heavens. With spray all in your face and a bottomless plummet below you it really is an amazing sight to behold. Anyway i can't rave about it too much more so go and see for yourself!

If you get time do the boat rides that are on offer, allowing you to feel the sheer power of that much water. They are not expensive and the drivers really go for it to get you as far under as they can. You won't be able to see and it's seriously loud, but it's an exiting ride!

Hostel: Hostel Natura (although there are some good options on Hostel World)

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