Wednesday 13 March 2013

Ilha Grande - a slice of paradise.

If you want to escape the hecticness and madness of the cities then there is no place better than Ilha Grande, it is perfect. Brazils largest island is void of cars and concrete (and ATMs so get cash out before!) and boasts some of, if not the best, beaches in Brazil. Its small town immediately calms you and all worries dissappear in this tranquil haven. Don't get me wrong there are still places to have fun and the hostels get pretty lively but if you want to lie back, see some amazing scenery, eat nice food and do amazing treks then this is the spot for you.

Treks - Ilha Grande boats over a 100 beaches so you may struggle to see them all; here is a few of the best:

  • A vital trek to do is to Lopes Mendes, it is considered to be the best beach in Brazil and it does not disappoint. The pure white sand sqeeks under your feet and can only be appreciated through sunglasses. The paths are easy enough to find either side of the front of town, Lopes Mendes takes around 3 hours to get there and i wouldn't reccomend it in the midday sun (very very sweaty!), you can either walk back or catch a boat taxi. 
  • Walking the other way round the island is a reasonably short trek to a beautiful waterfall which takes around an hour and a half. There are monkeys everywhere and pools en route so its ideal for an afternoon stroll and to see some cool scenery.
  • Another really good, and slightly more extreme trek is to the derelict prison of Candido Mendes. Originally a leper colony and later a prison. Tourists can do a stunning walk over the island in order to visit its ruins and some stunning beaches along the way. I personally couldn't reccomend it more. Its around a 4 hour round trip and take a local if you can in order to show you some secret spots. Well worth it. Alternitavely you can get the university bus over the hills to the nearby village, which could prove an interesting ride.
Other tips:
  • Get cash out before as there are no atms! You can pay on card in some places but it's risky, i saw lots of people in pretty sticky situations!
  • Book your hostel in advance during peak season, the lively party hostels are Che Lagarto and Aquerio, apart from that there are many good hostels around the town.
  • The slow ferry is far cheaper than the smaller ferry however make sure you check where they are going too!
  • Save enough time for the treks, taxi boats do not go everywhere and getting stuck somewhere could be pretty dodgy.
Hostel: Che Legarto - A good place to relax and if you fancy keeping the party alive the place to be.

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