Wednesday 17 July 2013

Potosi (Bolivia) - 'The Devils Miner'

This will not be one of the most light-hearted stops on your trip but it is an astonishing eye-opener into some of the conditions in which some people work in this part of the world. Put on the map after an american film maker released 'The Devils Miner' in 2006 to show the horrific conditions in the mines, Potosi is now becoming more and more poplar on the travel route and breaks up the journey between the salt flats and La Paz.

Day trips to Potosi's mines takes into one of the worst places on earth. Deep underground conditions are brutal as miners of all ages struggle and very frequently loose their lives attempting to make enough money for a living. Tours can be booked all over town and most hostels now offer the service. You should take gifts for the miners such as cigarettes, coca leaves, and what people find most exiting, dynamite (which is a pretty hairy experience when set off underground). I would highly recommend this trip as it does allow some perspective and an insight into an area of South America most tourists don't see.

Once the richest town in South America the evidence can still be seen wondering its picturesque streets and squares. Beware however, also claiming to be the highest town in the world at 4060m you may find yourself frequently struggling for breath as you navigate its steep narrow streets.

Hoste: Eucalyptus - (with Koala tours).

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