Tuesday 16 July 2013

Places to go if you have the time and cash!

For some travellers unfortunately the budget and time restrictions come into play along the way. However if you have a little spare cash and the time here are some recommendations that I would definitely look into (especially if you are into your outdoors and wildlife):

Patagonia (Argentina) - See the most southern city on the world (Ushuaia) and scenery that will take your breath away. Glaciers, lakes and mountains occupy some of the most spectacular scenery in the world. For those who are really adventurous and can afford the extremely expensive fare the Antarctic isn't too far away!

The Galapagos (Ecuador) - A short flight from the mainland takes you to the incredible Galapagos islands. Described as a 'living museum and showcase of evolution' boats and cruises allow you to see the place Darwin came up with his theories amongst some of the greatest wildlife on Earth.

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